A response to an email

In réponse to the emails we’d sent to Premier Minns on Sat. 9 Dec. 2o23, 10 Dec. 2023, we got this.

It’s BIZARRE in three respects:-

(1) It describes the webform received as Gladys Berejiklian’s, when Ms Berejiklian ceased to be the Premier more than 2 years ago.

(2) It says this email address is not monitored for replies when we were specifically asked if we wanted a reply, to which we gave a positive reply

(3) It indicated that any further correspondence should be submitted the the Premier’s webform, but this is what we just used to send the correspondence to which is he is supposed to be responding. In other words, send the same thing again.

Email us at info@questionsmisc.info

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Email sent to Minns on Sat. 9 Dec. 2023.

An email sent to Premier Chris Minns on Saturday, 9 Dec. 2023, using the form provided, which ended with a “Yes, I would like a response,” which we clicked.

In it’s own words, The Health Care Complaints Commission acts to protect public health and safety by resolving, investigating and prosecuting complaints about health care.

But what are the facts?

According to it’s own website, it received 9,159 complaints in 2022-23 – an average of just over 760 per month.

From this, you would think it would be safe to say it received at least 400 complaints per month about Doctors, with the rest being about miscellaneous other health care workers, nurses, Chinese Medical Practitioners and so on.

So, out of the 800 or so complaints it received in October and November 2023, about Doctors, in how many instances, do you think, it was agreed that the Doctor’s care of their patient had been sub-standard? – ONE!!!!!!!!!!!

(And this will make you laugh – in this instance it was found that, with a chin implant he was about to insert into a patient, he dropped it on the floor, and he just picked it up and continued to insert it into the patient!)

One Doctor was found guilty of misconduct in relation to drugs, two were found guilty of what amounted to sexual misconduct, and one guilty in relation to medical benefits claims. As we said, IN JUST CASE OUT OF 800! was it agreed that the Doctor’s care of their patient had been substandard.

In other words, 99.9% of the NSW people who took the considerable time and trouble to make a complaint to the HCCC about a Doctor, were told they were STUPID – that they really had no basis to complain.

And the situation has been becoming worse and worse and worse for years, to the point where it’s hard to imagine how it could get any worse.



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Chris Minns, Leader of the NSW Opposition – how to contact him and in general.

Chris Minns, MP, has been the Leader of the Opposition in New South Wales for almost a year – since 4 June, 2021.

He has a website, of course – and a Wikipedia article on him, also, of course.

And if readers go to the New South Wales Parliament’s website it has an entry on him, which readers can access by using this link

His website shows an ordinary email address for him – leader.opposition@parliament.nsw.gov.au

We’ve just, on Sunday, 22 May 2022, sent a “Test” message, using this ordinary email address, and, almost immediately received this “Automatic reply.”

With automated replies, a problem is that the sender never ends up with proof that they sent a particular email at a particular time on a particular day, but, even though it would take someone just a few seconds to remedy this – someone just has to click “received.” But very few addressees have anyone doing this. Perhaps it’s hard to get anyone doing this, it’s so boring.


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